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How to Best Care for Your Shani Dreams of Jewelry



To keep your jewelry looking gorgeous and new, you can follow these storage and handling tips:



Prevent tarnishing and keep your silver-plated and gold-plated jewelry looking bright by ALWAYS storing it in an airtight container or plastic zip bag.


Protect your necklaces from tangling and scatching by hanging them (so they are not touching) in an airtight, upright container or placing each necklace in separate zip bags and laying the bags on a flat surface.


Store each individual earring in its own small airtight bag to prevent scratching of beads and crystals between earrings.


Never dump necklaces or dangly earrings in a pile of they will tangle and get scatched.


Keep beaded necklaces scratch-free by storing each one in its own space.


Never wear beaded necklaces around small children. If a child gets a strong enough hold and yanks the necklace too hard, the beads could come apart from the necklace.


It is best not to wear necklaces while wearing sunscreen, which can stain or change the color of your jewelry.


Jewelry should be the last thing you put on (after your hair and makeup are done and you are dressed) and the first thing to take off before getting ready for bed in the evening. 

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